Sandi Chelan
Bill to regulate home schools dies with help from parents

By Jennifer Hamilton/The Gazette

DENVER - About 150 home-school parents and children learned a lesson in
government Monday as they helped defeat an attempt to put more government
controls on home-schooling.

Beth Burnham

He said he proposed the bill in response to constituents who wondered why
students were roaming the streets and stores during school hours. Some
truant students were getting out of being punished by claiming they were
being home-schooled, Vigil said.

"The problem is that we have very lenient home-school laws, and we have no
way of preventing anyone from going to home-schools," he said. "I wanted to
close that loophole and discourage them from going to home-school."

How awful and prejudiced!
Could this be the reason some people who homeschool are afraid to go out
during school hours where I live? Nosey brainwashed people like to report
kids as being truant. I think it must be very hard on hs teens if they have
to be treated so badly by others! It is like a witch hunt isn't it even if
those kids were lying and not being hschooled they obviously were doing no
harm and maybe even helping the economy. This worries me also as a
registered democrat that they (democrats) are too school happy. I am glad to
hear that Coloradans defeated this bill. What can I do to stop this
insanity? Did someone mention something about lobbying here for more rights?