
Being a sort of newbie I just had to share this tidbit for other
newbies out there.
DS 14 and 10 decided to make level 60 characters in D & D just for fun.
(This gives them practically god-like ablilies. Quite cool!) They
spent hours on this. Then they decided to have a battle. What
followed was dice rolling then some mulitplication and then addition
of at least 20 2-digit numbers with subtraction at the 3 to 4 digit
level. They did this mostly in their heads with the occasional
scribble (they could have grabbed a calculator at any time.)

I know that we don't always recognize math in our unschooling lives
and this may not make it any easier but..they were having such fun I
had to share. I could not keep up with the mental additon etc they we

Can you imagine making kids sit at a desk and do this?! Shudder!!!

Note to Sandra's kids and any other D & D players who may understand
the situation...whoever went first techically killed the first
(something about criticals?) but they continued to add up damage
anyway and then they would start over with the others turn. Too funny!

Oh yeah and prior, they were working on buying items and trying to
spend 1 million gold pieces! They had not done it yet. I wasn't
there to help :)

Beth in MD