[email protected]

In a message dated 4/2/03 11:47:42 AM Eastern Standard Time,
nellebelle@... writes:

> Who says you should only eat when you are hungry?
> Eat when it sounds and feels good to you to eat. Stop when you don't want
> to anymore. When you are satisfied.
> Anyway, how would you define hungry? A little bit hungry? Starving?
> Food and eating are not just for survival. They are also for pleasure and
> for socializing. We certainly don't have sex only we want to have a child!
> Mary Ellen
No one says it. I don't listen to what other people say, if I did it would be
another diet. I know when I eat for reasons other than hunger, I don't come
away pleased or satisified, but fatter.

Define hunger? Needing food for fuel. Not for boredom, frustration, feeling
together with people, celebrating, socializing. I am not a naturally thin
person. I used to be when I was a small child and didn't have any pressure to
eat or diet for reasons other than physiological. But when I finally realized
that listening to my body's hunger mechanism was how I was designed, it made
much more sense, and resulted in weight loss. I still have a long way to go.

Sex and food, apples and oranges. Both have their allures and their purposes,
both can be misused. I enjoy sex in an intimate, loving, committed, married
relationship. A lot of people use sex for other reasons, physical pleasure
beyond marriage. I did that once too, before marriage. I wish I only waited
for marriage.

I enjoy food the most as it was intended, to fuel my body. I use it for other
reasons out of habit and come away miserable, sluggish, burdened.

You go ahead and eat for your reasons, I'll eat for mine. :0)


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