
Andrea wrote:

> At 11:17 AM 4/1/03 -0500, Shyrley wrote:
> >When we ditch the car :-)
> Hey, we don't have a car - by choice!
> I hesitate to bring this up in any situation because I find that, more than
> homeschooling, more than breastfeeding, more than any other crazy idea I
> have, this issue makes people defensive.

Too true. Just the sight of me riding my bike drives people into a frenzy. I've had drivers veer to hit me, spit at me, yell things, throw things.
Sigh. It's not as if I'm against car use, just over-dependance. If we had buses here I wouldn't have a car. It costs too much what with insurance and property tax and car loan. I'd rather use the money
ona trip to the Bahamas :-)


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