
Thanks I haven't seen that particular page before.
As a side note I have learned a lot about crime and violence from a young age for almost 20 years now.
I had a sister that went missing in 1983 {as i said before all my sisters{had 3 of them} were 8+ years then I so I was rather young at 13 and she was 22} and we are pretty sure it was due to her mixing into the wrong crowd of people. {this particular group wasn't a religious group though}
This being a part of who I have come to be, I find forensic evidence including, what drives people to do some of the things they do and all things incompassing because it is something I NEVER wanted to happen to my own kids. Anyway I don't claim to be an expert, I'm sure far from it, but this rings pretty true to me. A good enough resorce to link to.
Thanks Again :)

k montoya <kimontoya@...> wrote: Here is a cult evaluation form from Isaac Bonewits,
written in 1979.

I think the intro is as interesting as the form.

I hope this appears as a link, if not let's try
<a href=>this</a>


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