
You can come up with tons of things to try and keep her entertained so you can spend more time with your son. Does she still put things into her mouth? Like can you give her play dough or silly putty to play with beside you while you read to you son? Stackings cups and water or beans and rice. If that's too small try counters or stackers of plastic animals, links or large buttons etc. Paper and crayons, pots and pans. My youngest have always had someone not too far ahead in age that they were fascinated with. Have a friend with a smaller child that can come over to help out?

Above all else, enjoy now as hard as you may think it is.

I remember being told I was spoiling Tara by holding her too much. I was encouraged to stop breastfeeding her, to let her cry it out, to put her down more. I did them all. I spent a lot of time with her as my first and only then, but not as much as I could have. I regret it now. She just turned 17. I don't know where the years went. She still fits on my lap, somewhat, but it's not like when she was 18 months.

Mary B

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