[email protected]

We belong to a methodist church. When Landon went through confirmation, they
met every week on Sunday afternoons. It was a very casual atmosphere and
Landon never complained (although he is accustomed to "class" since goes to

Anna is going through confirmation right now and they have changed the format
to something much better. Now, the confirmands each have a mentor. They
meet ( at their convenience) with their mentor to ask questions, have
conversations, and discuss the bible scripture they are supposed to read ( I
know, I know, an 'assignment".. Anna has not had a problem with that though.
She reads some of it and I read some of it aloud to her. no big deal) The
whole experience is one on one. Much more personal and communicative. They
will meet as a group one time for supper and mingling. She is learning a
lot going through confirmation and he has really enjoyed her special time
with her mentor. The goal is for them to continue this relationship and for
the confirmands to feel they always have someone they can call, ask for
advice, and be a role model for them.

Anna really likes her grandparents church a lot better because there have a
much larger and more active youth group than our church. She said that she
may want to go to church there instead. She felt a little "weird" going
through confirmation and then maybe "ditching" our church for a different
one. I told her that was all a personal choice for her. If she wants to
finish confirmation, then that is fine. If she wants to stop, thats fine
too. She can be active in both churches. She can pick and chose which
activities she wants to do at each one. Or, she can not go to church at a
ll. She wants to finish confirmation because she is enjoying it and likes
her mentor. But who knows, she may become a baptimeth or something.. :-)


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