[email protected]

I'm new to this list and I really couldn't help but to put my two cents in.
If you want to learn ask. If you don't like the response or you are not
willing to open your eyes then maybe you should explore other methods. Sit
back and learn from what other people post here and visit Sandra's site, it
is wonderful! I can't begin to tell you how much I've learned here and how
much it has changed our family.
PS. Our son is 13 and learning more now (on his own) than he did with 11
years of school.
<< Why am I posting? Gee..to LEARN something from those

here such as I requested in my initial posting and

have received?! >>

[email protected]

A wreck? I live in Connecticut on the Mass border and I know of plenty in
Mass that are not a wreck. Moving away is only running away. How is that
being strong?

<< All others I knew that unschooled in MA too have had alot of the same

experiences, but stayed- and

are a wreck. Victoria >>