Mara Winders

"then they shouted down the stairs
to me that they were being kind to "our ch'other""

too funny - my 3 yo says "each other" the same way.

My boys go through waves - sometimes for days I don't have to interfere at all
and they do so well - happy and having fun. Then they can go for days just the
opposite - fighting constantly - and nothing I do, or don't do, seems to help.


"mdohy@..." wrote:

> From: "mdohy@..." <mdohy@...>
> The deschooling ourselves is such a challenge! My oldest son and I were
> doing some research on snakes. With my school mindset, I asked him what
> questions we need to answer to put together on snakes, thinking of stuff
> like what they look like, where they live, etc. HIS questions though, were
> why do they have forked tongues, why do they shed their skins, and my
> favourite, will they evolve into something else. I love it when he forces me
> to think outside of my sometimes narrow framework!
> About the siblings - that is a struggle around here sometimes too, although
> today when they couldn't seem to get along I separated them into their own
> rooms, and told them I was angry because they weren't being good friends to
> each other. Within a few minutes, my five year old had crept into the three
> year old's room to ask him to play again, then they shouted down the stairs
> to me that they were being kind to "our ch'other"
> Separation seems a fate worse than any, I guess.
> I was just at the Oak meadow site, inspired by what I've read on the list,
> and if it ever becomes necessary for me to register with a private school
> like that, that's sure the way I 'd go. I put in a subscription to the
> magazine too - it looks wonderful.
> Sorry, too long again - I seem to save up my thoughts then dump them at
> once!
> Leanne
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