[email protected]

Chatty this morning, aren't I? <G>

We've had a homsechool community theater group for several years and are about to begin work on our 10th production. I'm looking for suggestions for great plays to do. We have some ideas, but none of them seem quite right at this point.

In the past we've done: Little Women; Filthaven's Folly (a melodrama); A Christmas Carol; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; Cinderella, Charlotte's Web; Anne of Green Gables; Tales from the Arabian Nights and Cheaper by the Dozen. Each one has been a truly wonderful experience. Does reading this list bring to mind other plays you'd like to see? We'd like to include a lot of kids this time, so it needs to be something that can be expanded.

Anyone else out there with a hs theater group?
