Brenda Rose

We had the same experience with ds, now 12, when he was 7 and 8 in plays. I
would read the part to him and he would memorize all of his lines. At about
8 1/2 he started reading some, by 9 1/2 he read The Hobbit (with good
comprehension, according to dh, because ds talked about it every day with
him). Next ds, now almost 11, started reading at about 8 1/2, then last
year read a lot of Boxcar Children and has gotten through the 4 Harry Potter
since last summer. Youngest ds, almost 9, still reads only a few words and
doesn't seem too concerned, except when in a forced reading situation. He
quit cub scouts last month because the new den leader never lets them play
running around games, on the playground or in the gym, but gives them word
games like hangman. Ds 8 said it's Boring! He was in two plays recently,
in Dec. and in Jan., and had memorized his parts in about 3 days (Ollie in
Best Xmas Pageant and 3 small roles in Wind in the Willows). He didn't
write down his blocking, but he never forgot a direction. Ds 12 is this way
too, even tho he reads fine now. I think maybe because they relied on
listening and following directions they have stronger skills in that area.
Plus I think they're just blessed with good memories. That helps!

Brenda R.