Pam Hartley

>From: [email protected]
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 3066
>Date: Sat, Feb 22, 2003, 9:20 PM

> We
> have girls' club in our house once a week and some very housecleany
> moms accompany their daughters. Instead of having fun with my
> daughter all day Tuesday getting ready for it, I stress out big time
> and pretty much ignore the kids getting the house clean. Usually
> Monday night I do stay up until 4 am and then drag myself through
> Tuesdays exhausted, looking forward to it all being over. I LOVE
> having the girls at my house and I LOVE the cool projects we do. I
> just can't handle the cleaning that I do in order to prepare for it.

Have one of the other moms (or all of them, on a rotational basis or
whatever works well with your group) come over an hour before each meeting
and the two of you work on the girls club room(s) and get them cleaned up
(even if "cleaned up" means a big rubbermaid bin to put all the clutter in
and then that bin goes in the garage until after the meeting).

The other mom(s) are grateful that Girls Club is not at THEIR house where
THEY'D have to clean <g> and they will be happy as clams to help you out.
Honest, they will. Just tell them, "You know, I get so freaked out every
Tuesday getting ready for this that I would just LOVE some help for an hour
before each meeting getting prepped -- you know, just picking up the floor
and running the vacuum real quick and laying out the meeting supplies and
all that."

If they don't line up smartly, please let me know as I'll have to come out
there every Tuesday myself. <g>
