[email protected]

One of my friends from HS has a son 6yo who is
in ps..kindergarden..appartently what they do
here is set up the class into "stations" and
the children rotate thru them..every day a different
station..Ie..math, art, music, freeplay...anyway to make
a long story shorter...She was complaining to me that her
son is soooooo bored in math...yet he can tell time,,add
subtract, do multiples of 5's ect....So I told her to find
activities that are more challanging for him to do...(she is basically
waiting for the school to pick up on his brightness in the
area of math) Now my son is only going to be 3 so I don't
have a great knowledge base for suggestions to her in this area
Can someone chime in and give me afew to come back to her with..
I atleast got her to stop waiting for the school to pick up on
this and "take the bull by the horns"..So please any suggestions
will be of great help....
Ofcourse then I started talking about unschooling and she just
kind of picked her jaw up off the floor...Anyway...thanks for
the help..

Tom & Nanci Kuykendall

>I atleast got her to stop waiting for the school to pick up on
>this and "take the bull by the horns"..So please any suggestions
>will be of great help....
>Ofcourse then I started talking about unschooling and she just
>kind of picked her jaw up off the floor...Anyway...thanks for
>the help..

It can be so hard not to let a topic get you rolling on an unschooling
rant, because as parents we feel so passioately about it. People's
passions tend to come through whether we intend them to or not.

It's also a statement on the thinking of the mainstream american culture
that the schools will take care of everything, that our children are their
responsibility and they are the ones who should be picking up on their
abilities, special talents, interests, weak points, and tapping into them
in the best way possible. I mean, they have the education, right? They
have the specialized theories and testing methods to find things out, don't
they? They have the experience right? They know what they're doing, don't

Yeah right.

Nanci K.

Tom & Nanci Kuykendall

>From: JazBallard@...


Nanci K.

[email protected]

Sorry Nanci..that exactly went out to the wrong address....

Tom & Nanci Kuykendall

From: JazBallard@...
>Sorry Nanci..that exactly went out to the wrong address....

OH, LOL. OK, just so long as I'm not stupid! I thought I was missing
something obvious.

Nanci K.