Mary Bianco

It's a funny thing about what one gets accustom to.

My folks also wore pj's all the time. Winter jammies and summer jammies and
I of course did also. When I came down to FL for school, I still did
although I think I modernized myself a bit and maybe changed to big
t-shirts. Once I got out of school. the pj's went out the window. I've slept
naked ever since. Tara does now too. She has pj's but those are for out of
the shower and before bed!

The kids know Joe and I sleep in the buff but have always worn shirts to
bed. The baby wears onesies. Sierra had like one or two nightgowns that she
would wear whenever they came up in the drawer. Well the baby got a
nightgown for Christmas and just fell in love with it. Wanted to wear it
every night and had a fit when I needed to wash it. Sierra would wear the
ones she had along with Alyssa so they could be twins! Needless to say that
I had to go and buy both of them more nightgowns and also Joseph a pair of
pj's as he was feeling like maybe he should have some too!! He wore his once
and switched back to his t-shirts. The girls did their nightgown thing for
about 2 weeks. One night, a rather hot night, Alyssa had to more nightgowns
that were clean and refused to wear anything but her diaper. Fine with me.
Sierra liked that idea and took off her shirt for bed that night too. They
both did that for about 5 days and now they are back to shirts, onesies and
nightgowns again. Like a regualr circus around here!!!!!

Mary B

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