[email protected]

Hi all,
Let me start this post by stating that while I consider our family
unschoolers as far as learning styles go, there have been many times that
I've scratched my head over parenting philosophies or ideas that made me say,
"Wow, I've never thought of it that way!" or "No, I just can't conceive of
trying that, YET anyway." But (big BUT) I do think that my way of parenting
has been going through changes and while I may never make it all the way, my
kids are happier now and I am a happier parent.
Anyway....I picked up a book from B&N called Under the Chinaberry Tree:
Books and Inspirations for Mindful Parenting by the publishers of the
Chinaberry catalog. I'd like to share a quote from the introduction that I
really liked (and may hang on my fridge.)
"But each night, as I became more firmly grounded in motherhood, I came to
know that there would seldom be life-or-death choices I would be called upon
to make in order to protect her from all the kinds of pain that visit humans.
Instead, there would be a myriad of small choices I would need to make day in
and day out that would help mold her into the person she would eventually
turn out to be. I came to understand that it would be the small choices in
parenting that would really and truly matter- the choices that there are
hundreds of every single day when you have a child." (end quote)
Amy Kagey
E-mail me for a list of used
homeschooling books for sale!
<A HREF="http://www.ubah.com/ecommerce/default.asp?sid=Z0939&gid=462366">Shop: Usborne Books!</A>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]