Beth Burnham

I just read about the adjustment pd you wrote about on your web site! I
think since I have always been a SAHM I may not have a long one since I took
this year off to send them both to school and have had major adjustment
issues with that! I find it impossible to give up control of my kids and am
glad for that. My kids were always home with me up till this year I always
had someone around and I regret we allowed him to watch a lot of tv when we
did. MY son was premature and has some what they label sensory issues and
when overstimulated tv helps to calm him down. He is also very frigtened of
being alone but not when actively engaged in something of interest. Do you
all have time limits on the tv watching? I used the tv as a baby sitter when
I wasn't in the mood to entertain them or do an activity so I could try and
cook dinner or clean up from the last meal we ate. It seems I am good at
cooking but not the clean up part. My house looks like a total disaster and
I had hoped this time with them in school I'd be working on getting it
organized do the feng shui thing and become less dependent on tv and as you
mentioned outside influences. Really what I am most desiring to do is go on
adventures with the kids and I don't enjoy my solitude the way I thought I
would. I guess after they grow up I will have to find ways to enjoy it as I
have often craved it on those days when everyone was around. Are you able to
schedule any self time for your own needs and does your DH help you to just
take that time when he gets home?
I think it is important to do this esp. because you are just getting
adjusted you don't want to burn out your first month! I am sure journaling
is helping you though too. Just my .02 cents.

[email protected]


About TV watching, we have never really set any limits on
that. We don't have cable (by choice), the kids do watch
movies, but not all day long. Sometimes the boys spend too
much time on the internet or playing video games, and that
is something we have to be careful of - they get so
hypnotized by these games that they can get very grouchy.
Anyway our decision to turn off the electronics for several
hours a day has been a good one so far IMHO. Yesterday
Zach got so engrossed in a book that he read half way
through Pokemon (!!!!!!!), which was in our allowed TV
time. I know that the longer we unschool, the more
interests the kids will develop and the less dependent they
will be on outside influences for entertainment.

Being a new SAHM has presented some challenges. I could
just do housework all day, but I have to let it go and
spend time with the kids. It's hard for me to have a messy
house, but I'm learning. :)

Now, in regards to having some time for myself, I married
just the most thoughtful man. David actually suggested
that since I would be home with the kids all day that I
would need a mom's night out. It surprised me, because
many husbands of SAHMs think that staying home all day is
like a vacation. David is smart enough to know that
staying at home with all these kids and trying to teach
them something is one of the toughest jobs a mom (or dad)
can do. Anyway, you know I took him up on it and I've been
going to a ladies Bible study on Monday nights. Sometimes
I even go have coffee at Books a Million after and get home
at a sinful 10pm <g>

David and I also lock ourselves in our room after 10pm
every night without fail. We need our time - I wouldn't
trade that time for anything. It revives me after a long
day and prepares me for the next. (this is also a no TV

Anyway, thanks for the helpful and supportive comments.
That's why we're all here - isn't it?

Betsy Wright

The Wright Way To Homeschool
> <html><body>
> <tt>From:</tt> <tt>
> "Beth Burnham" <beth2002@...></tt>
> <br><br>
> <tt>
> I just read about the adjustment pd you wrote about on
your web site! I<BR>
> think since I have always been a SAHM I may not have a
long one since I took<BR>
> this year off to send them both to school and have had
major adjustment<BR>
> issues with that! I find it impossible to give up control
of my kids and am<BR>
> glad for that. My kids were always home with me up till
this year I always<BR>
> had someone around and I regret we allowed him to watch a
lot of tv when we<BR>
> did. MY son was premature and has some what they label
sensory issues and<BR>
> when overstimulated tv helps to calm him down. He is also
very frigtened of<BR>
> being alone but not when actively engaged in something of
interest. Do you<BR>
> all have time limits on the tv watching? I used the tv as
a baby sitter when<BR>
> I wasn't in the mood to entertain them or do an activity
so I could try and<BR>
> cook dinner or clean up from the last meal we ate. It
seems I am good at<BR>
> cooking but not the clean up part. My house looks like a
total disaster and<BR>
> I had hoped this time with them in school I'd be working
on getting it<BR>
> organized do the feng shui thing and become less
dependent on tv and as you<BR>
> mentioned outside influences. Really what I am most
desiring to do is go on<BR>
> adventures with the kids and I don't enjoy my solitude
the way I thought I<BR>
> would. I guess after they grow up I will have to find
ways to enjoy it as I<BR>
> have often craved it on those days when everyone was
around. Are you able to<BR>
> schedule any self time for your own needs and does your
DH help you to just<BR>
> take that time when he gets home?<BR>
> I think it is important to do this esp. because you are
just getting<BR>
> adjusted you don't want to burn out your first month! I
am sure journaling<BR>
> is helping you though too. Just my .02 cents.<BR>
> Beth<BR>
> <BR>
> </tt>
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Beth Burnham

Betsy I am so happy for you and your new marriage and family life it all
seems very romantic and exciting watching how you all come together and work
through the rough spots kind of like the movie "Yours, Mine and Ours"
starring Lucille Ball (my fav all time funny comedian I can still have great
laughs watching I Love Lucy) only you are way more together and less self
absorbed and aware than Lucy was! Glad your Dh lets you have that time and
offers it to you mine rarely does that though he doesn't ever try and stop
me he loves being with the kids too but has trouble feeding and getting them
to bed before I get home no matter how late it is usually if they are in bed
they are still up and hungry from eating only beans and rice or pasta the
only meals he knows how to cook! :o)
I am interested in the routine thing you mentioned. I wonder if it is more a
natural rythm of life that is more a kin to how it used to be for prior to
industialization that we all need to relearn? Only we are luckier being on
the planet in this time as we all don't have to have farmers hours or make
everything from scratch though I have wanted to do bread from scratch and
save money from being more self sufficient that way.