[email protected]

Hi Beth,

Sorry I haven't answered sooner...I've been behind in my mail. I'm an unsc=
hooler in New Hampshire and I'd like to let you know that the only really n=
egative feedback I've gotten from people around here regarding homeschoolin=
g is because I live in Rye and the elementary school here received the NATI=
ONAL BLUE RIBBON AWARD. Yadda yadda. They are so proud of that that they =
even put it on realty signs in front of houses. So instead of a little sig=
n above that says "3 Bedroom", etc., it says Blue Ribbon Award. It's funny=
because no one who has told me that has known what the criteria for the aw=
ard is. LOL It really doesn't impress me. In Michigan we chose to live i=
n an area that was suppose to be one of the best schools. And it was the =
worst school experience we ever had...which is why I started researching ho=
meschooling. Anyway, I'm glad you have a friend in OH because the laws the=
re are basically the same and I'm sure she's answered alot of your question=
s. It's really a lot easier than it seems to homeschool here. If you need=
any help feel free to email me. By the way, what part of New Hampshire ar=
e you in? I have 3 kiddies Stephen 8, Dani 3, and Brie 16 mos (but she thi=
nks she's 3 too).


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Beth Burnham

Hi Heather,
I'm up in Conway in the White Mountains. Have you been this way yet? There
is another hs mom who is going to be in touch in Feb and is moving here too.
Her son is also 8. My daughter Melissa is going to be 8 and my son Kyle just
turned 7. I am seriously looking into checking out the art museum in
Manchester have you gone to the homeschooling fine art classes they look
terrific and maybe worth the 2 hour drive each way? Would love to know if
you've checked it out. I don't know where you are is it near Portsmouth
another cool town. I am considering contacting a certified teacher near
there to be the one I go to for the evals. she is actually in Maine but does
them for both states I've noticed her bio on the web page for NH.. She only
charges between $25-$35. Have others interviewed these evaluators and what
sort of questions do you guys ask them? I'd love to learn more from you feel
free to email me privately too at beth2002@...