Pam Hartley

>From: [email protected]
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 3028
>Date: Thu, Feb 13, 2003, 4:16 PM

>> << Then he gets upset and angry or sad.. he feels like "nothing
>> works for him"  , like everyone and everything is against him.   >>
>> Maybe it's genetic?
>> Maybe if you or his dad are that way he has it either genetically or by
>> modelling.
> Teresa, has gotten alot of postive
> response from this group, and Sandra, you have to come off like this?
> I also, have a child with special needs, and with your education, I expected
> much more from you. And no, its not always gentic or learned by modeling.

Did she say always? I seem to be reading that as "maybe".

"Special needs" can be and sometimes is used an excuse for a parent to say
sullenly and determinedly, "No, that won't work here."

Yes, that word is "sometimes", not "always", but it does no good to pretend
it never happens.

Outlook on life matters a good deal in any individual or family.

Yours for Sunnybrook Farm Living,
