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--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: love-it-here@...
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 17:10:54 -0500
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] new to the list and can you tell me
what you did today?

>>>Can you tell me what you did today?<<<<

Well, so far today:

3yod woke up at 9:00am and looked out window to find about 7" snow. While
waiting for 5yo sis to wake up, we made waffles with dd dumping the
ingredients in and mixing, and then she watched some cartoons while I
cooked them. Getting impatient with sis (who was up till 1:00am trying to
win some kind of ticket on her Reader Rabbit computer game), she went in
every few minutes and would say "wake up sunshine". No luck. Finally at
about 11:30, 5yod awoke and saw the snow. She quick rolled up a waffle,
they both put their snow clothes on and played in the snow. They built a
snowman, shoveled the sidewalk, and sled down our hill. They learned the
Frosty the Snowman song. Then they shoveled out the chicken coop door and
fed the chickens and collected eggs. When they got too cold, they came in
and made hot cocoa and made sandwiches with the leftover waffles. 5yod
played with Dad's remote control car. She decided she wanted to make a
remote control caterpillar. She decorated an egg carton strip and taped
batteries to it. She was frustrated she couldn't make it move that way.
Dh showed and explained how the remote control worked and why the
caterpillar wouldn't move. DD decided to tie the caterpillar to the roof
of the car and made it move that way. 3yod chased it around the house.
Since they have been inside, they have also made a tent village in the
living room, put on a magic show, and are now playing Mommie and Baby
(It's interesting to watch 5yod imitate me. I definitely need to work on
changing my tone of voice). I'm trying to think of something quick to
throw together for dinner, and they will most likely want to help me with
that. That's about it so far!

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