[email protected]

In a message dated 2/6/2003 7:54:28 PM Eastern Standard Time,
abtleo@... writes:
> I think it's like learning to play piano without music, and then having
> someone explain what the silly little black marks on the paper mean. This
> black dot here refers to this key on the piano, and we call it C. We could
> call it George, or Fudnups, or whatever, but we call it C. It's giving a
> name and a symbol to something that any pianist would understand, but
> didn't
> know how to put into writing.

Or learning how to knit. I learned by DOing. I can't read directions. I can
knit and purl and even do cables. I'm very fast and have very even tension.
But I have to kind of "fake" it. I plan to learn to read directions so that I
can follow a pattern. It ought to be pretty easy when I'm ready! <G>


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