Annette Naake

Hey Wende,

I am sure my husband and possibly one or more of my sons would be out there
in the cold huddled around the radio, and I'd be hearing about my poor
choice of
Thanksgiving venue all the way home. Sports fans are like that. And
football is as big a part of Thanksgiving as turkey for them, if not bigger,
what is so wrong with that? Isn't the point to have a nice time?

I think inviting people over for Thanksgiving and not even making football
available in some room in the back is asking for trouble. If you don't have
it's only fair to let people know ahead of time. If I did that, I am sure it
would trim my guest list considerably. Football on Thanksgiving happens
to be an American tradition!


I have had the same thing happen here. While we do have three televisions
and one VCR, none of them are hooked up to antennas or cable. The only
station that comes in clearly is PBS, and we mostly just watch videos.
When we have had groups of people over for Thanksgiving or New Years,
both adults and children have gotten upset with me that they could not
watch Football games. And I mean, really upset, to the point of
dysfunctional. They would pace around like lost puppies. I'd find them
sitting in their cars in subzero weather tuned in to the radio. Some
people, (my Dad) actually went home. I would hate for something to have
that much of a hold on me. My children can watch TV or tapes at their
whim, and when they go to visit other people, they are there to spend
that time with those people. DD5 often comes home from Grandma's
disappointed, because the first thing my Mom does is turn on cartoons for
her. DD would much rather spend the time doing something *with* Grandma.
She does think it is pretty cool that cartoons are on all night there

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Mary Bianco

>From: "Annette Naake" <naake1999@...>

<<I am sure my husband and possibly one or more of my sons would be out
there in the cold huddled around the radio, and I'd be hearing about my poor
choice of Thanksgiving venue all the way home>>

I absolutely hate the cold but if it were me, I'd be out there too. Don't
see it as having a major hold on me. I just really enjoy football. I have
all my life. Grew up on some football greats and still love it to this day.
My husband and I love a good game. Heck we love a bad game. I wish my kids
loved it too. Just for something to share and enjoy together. There are
plenty of other things we share, but one more wouldn't be bad. Football for
us is fun and we enjoy it. It's not like we watch it every day all year
long. It's seasonal so that's when we watch. Kind of like my kids and the
Wizard of Oz. We have the movie here, but every time it's on TV, the kids
just HAVE to watch it!!!! I don't see that as a bad thing.

Mary B

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