Julie Stauffer

<<you make fundamentalist Christians squirm just by being in the vicinity.
hehe Just kidding.>>

I know what you mean. Our support group (Fundie but that is our only
choice) asked me to direct the Spring play "Taming of the Shrew". We are
having a ball. Rehearsals are full of laughter, ideas, creativity. The
kids and I do all the blocking together, working it out as we go. The kids
have had some fantastic ideas on how to work things and I go with their
ideas. Of course, this leads to a certain level of chaos but I am very
pleased with how things are going.

Got a phone call from one of the moms. Things aren't organized enough for
her. A plan should have been made ahead of time. The kids aren't going to
know what to do, you can't rely on these kids (teens) to know what props
they need, yada, yada, yada. I tried to calm her until I realized I was
wasting my breath. She plans to take her concerns to the other parents
<sigh>. Luckily, the parents who have actually sat in on rehearsals are
pleased with how things are coming together.


[email protected]

In a message dated 1/31/03 11:29:35 AM Eastern Standard Time,
jnjstau@... writes:

> Luckily, the parents who have actually sat in on rehearsals are
> pleased with how things are coming together.

GEEZ.. you mean they are complaining and they havent actually "seen" the play
progessing?? Where are thier concerns coming from?? Landon is in drama at
school.. I know most of the times, the show seems like its falling apart,
NOTHING will work out.. its chaos he worries and frets that it will suck
bit time..Til show time.. then, magically, it all comes together and turns
out great. I doubt any play "practice" is organized and calm..


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