Julie Stauffer

<<...they say it to each other all the time. I never did get that.>>

As the mom of several minority children perhaps I can explain. If one of my
kids grabs one of my other kids in a head lock, gives him a noogie and
squawks "I'm gonna kill you, you little shit."------it is much different
than if Billy Bob Redneck, drunk as a skunk, gets one of my kids in a head
lock and says "I'm gonna kill you, you little shit."

One is rough housing, one is life threatening.


Julie Stauffer

<<how hypocritical when you dole out censorship on practical every day


I've been on this list for years now. No one has ever censored practical
every day terms here. When people use words like "practice, teach, lessons,
etc." on this list, red flags go off that this person is probably not
unschooling or at least not explaining themselves well. Questions are
asked, comments are made. The person gets defensive and attacks Sandra.
Just like if I were on an email list of Baptist ministers, someone using
terms like "twat, prick, fuck" in posts would send up red flags that perhaps
the person wasn't your run of the mill Baptist minister. Questions would be
asked, comments would be made there as well.

I am so sad that people have such a need to bring hatred and ugliness onto
this list. It has been a life line for me, here in Bob Jones/Abeka land. I
faithfully read every email to reinforce to myself that my kids are humans,
they are worthy of my respect, they are on their own paths. This list, and
Sandra in particular, have changed the lives of my family and I am having a
hard time not being rude to people who appear to revel in cheap shots rather
than either ignoring or truly trying to see what this list is about.

Julie in Texas


on 1/28/03 1:50 PM, Julie Stauffer at jnjstau@... wrote:

> I've been on this list for years now. No one has ever censored practical
> every day terms here. When people use words like "practice, teach, lessons,
> etc." on this list, red flags go off that this person is probably not
> unschooling or at least not explaining themselves well. Questions are
> asked, comments are made. The person gets defensive and attacks Sandra.
> Just like if I were on an email list of Baptist ministers, someone using
> terms like "twat, prick, fuck" in posts would send up red flags that perhaps
> the person wasn't your run of the mill Baptist minister. Questions would be
> asked, comments would be made there as well.

That summed up the purpose of the "practice, teach .." discussions so well,
Julie! :-)
