[email protected]

> 1. "What curriculum do you use?"

"Home Educators' Universe."

> 2. "What do you do all day?"

Housework, nuclear physics, the usual.....

> 3. "Do you work from home while the kids school?"

No. We're just poor.

> 4. "I thought I saw you at the park yesterday. Are you on a break?"

Oh, why didn't you come up to us?! Please don't be scared to speak
to us during school hours.....

> 5. "When are you going to put the kids back in school again?"

Aha! <non-antagonistic grin> So you're another one who thinks
homeschooling isn't a "real" education!

[email protected]

In a message dated 1/19/2000 8:14:34 AM, [email protected]

<<<<I haven't been very helpful in her pursuit of great historical fiction


>regarding this era in American history (we do not cover it here in


>Canada...esp. at elementary levels). She is particularly interested in the


>1800's. >>>>

I'll take another stab at it. The title might be _Bandit Moon_. Can you
search Amazon for "Fleischman" and "history" in the juvenille section and see
what comes up?

(Although the book was published recently and may not be available in
paperback yet.)


[email protected]

In a message dated 1/19/2000 8:14:34 AM, [email protected]

<<Exactly! Except it wasn't that big of a step for me (actually there was NO

BIG STEP) as I have been defying my parental control my entire life. It

made for a really rocky childhood, but it certainly made it easier to be an

adult with control of my own life later.>>

Hey, Nanci. No wonder it seems like you have your head screwed on so

(I mean, your many philosophical posts seem to reflect a lot of wisdom.
Starting to think for yourself at an early age seems to have paid off.)
