Mike Ebbers <[email protected]>

A book that my wife and I recently enjoyed is called "The Five Love
Languages" by (Dr.) Gary Chapman. During his counseling career, he
found that saying loving words or performing certain activities made
the recipient of those (for example, a spouse) feel loved. He termed
it filling their love tank. He went on to describe five categories
of words or actions, the five love languages.

He found that each person's love tank is filled more quickly by a
certain language. A person tends to use that love language when
communicating to another, but that other person may have a completely
different love language. Chapman recommends finding out the other's
love language and using it to communicate with them.

He mentions that this works well for communicating love to children
also, although children under 5 or 6 seem have their love tanks
filled quickly in any language.
