Trisha Sides

<Sheila wrote;
<A big part of what bothers me about churches is the clergy/laity
<distinction. The whole idea of sermons and no input from the
<congregation REALLY bothers me. I don't think that church was meant
<to be a performance that we watch but a community that we participate

This is why I am Unitarian! The services are very open. We are not
"Preached to" we ask questions and interact with our pastor and for that
matter not all "sermons" are delivered by the pastor , anyone can present
if they have something to share/teach/discuss. I am also a practicing pagan
and I'm not comfortable calling myself a Christian. I actually believe
their is beauty and truth in ALL spiritual practices/religions and I like
to feel free to receive from them all, as I think most on this list do. I
don't want to promote any religion over another. I agree that the best
policy is to read/learn/think for yourself, but if some of you are looking
for a "church" like this, you should really check out your local Unitarian
Fellowship. I'm actually kind of enjoying this thread, I like to hear from
"Christians" who are dissatisfied with the way their religion is perceived/
organized/etc. It's really nice to be reminded that not all Christians are
fundamentalists who are out to take away our religious freedom!

Trisha Sides
Kats Coffees N' More
Haven Book Recycling
"A library of wisdom, is more precious than all wealth, and all things that
are desirable cannot be compared to it. Whoever therefore claims to be
zealous of truth, of happiness, of wisdom or knowledge, aye even of the
faith, must needs become a lover of books". - Richard de Bury