Alan & Brenda Leonard

1/21/03 22:41:

> Now, Jme wants to try middle school again, in March,
> after she goes down to visits friends in February, flying back and forth
> unaccompanied! Help! There has been so much change this year-we moved 1000
> miles in April, she's in dance, 4h, the yearbook committee, 2 youth in
> philanthropy projects, and she baby-sits and works for an elderly neighbor.
> I think she has a cool life with out adding #@$%&*! school to it.

You can't spare 5 days? Her track record on school isn't so great, maybe
she'll be back sooner this time!

Really, though, I don't know about school. Mine has decided that when he
turns 8 he's going to boarding school in London. He wants to go to St.
Paul's boy choir school. He has the voice for it, too; I can't lie to the
child. But I'm torn between telling him over my dead body, and attempting
to be supportive.
