Karol Gale

My grandson is left handed - we saw that when he was just a baby.
We have never made an issue of it, but once in a while I will
notice that he is using his right hand (eating, writing). He
can only use scissors right handed!! I bought him left-hand
scissors, and they don't work for him. I think he is semi-ambi.
Anyway, I say all that to say that I think it is important to not
make any kind of issue over it - they have to do what seems natural
to them.

I sit facing him when we are working with paper and pencil work.
He is just 1st grade and prints - and for the most part has done
well in drawing his letters the "proper" way. I gave him a printing
guide that has the arrows showing the way to draw the letters, but
left it up to him.

It is funny - my facing him while we work - I get mixed up which is
my right and left hand!!! *grin* Of course, maybe I can't blame
that for my own confusion - I am probably having some of those
"Senior moments"!!!
