>>In the land where a "good wife" gets up and keeps
hubby's tea filled and makes his plate, I'm already fighting an uphill
battle. I'm not doing it. For the sakes of my future daughter-in-laws, I'm

Luckily for me, I have a husband who does housework without a second
(He's NOT from the South. <g>)<<<<

Tuck, you could be talking about Japan here! Even when co-workers go out
after work for drinks, the women are often expected to pour the beer and
otherwise serve the men.

What's funny is, my Dh 's mother worked outside the home so she needed him
to help around the house. But now when we go there to visit she waits on us
hand and foot....and he reverts to age 12! no, actually at age 12 he would
not have expected to be waited on.

My son wants to help wash the dishes and I try to let him help.....gritting
my teeth the whole time as water splashes all over the floor......
