>>>I think the key here is:
>><< I never liked to clean>>

>>>*~*Elissa Jill*~*

I totally agree. I am a big ol' slob and my organized engineer husband is
the "uptight" one.. I don't mind a bit of clutter and dust, which used to
drive my mother into conniptions. I would rather have it clean, sure, but
not if I'm the one who has to do it. Clearly, if it were a priority to me,
I'd get off my butt and clean <g>
I try to stay on top of the dishes and laundry, the rest can go to Hades
most days.

I don't know if I'd be different if my mother hadn't always been nagging at
me to clean my room or help around the house. At age 35, I choose not to
blame it on her. It's my responsibility at this point. I wish Dh would do
more, but after being married to him for nearly 13 years I have gotten
better about not
nagging him, since if simply I request once and then shut up about it, he's
more likely to do it.
Ds is going to be 3 next week, so it's early yet, but I think he's like his
Dad and will tend to dig in his heels under pressure.
