Alan & Brenda Leonard

1/9/03 20:23:

> Never looked back and now I'm a cleaning freak. It's one of the things I do
> best. Never had to do it when I was young and now it's like a life's
> mission.

Dear Mary,

How would you like to come and see Europe? I'd be happy to put you up for
as long as you'd like, rent-free, provided you get my house in shape and
clean and cook while you're here!

Don't worry about references, nobody attests to liking to clean except the
truly dedicated. Just let me know when your plane lands in Frankfurt, ok?

GREATLY looking forward to your arrival,

Mary Bianco

>From: Alan & Brenda Leonard <abtleo@...>

<<How would you like to come and see Europe? I'd be happy to put you up for
as long as you'd like, rent-free, provided you get my house in shape and
clean and cook while you're here!

Don't worry about references, nobody attests to liking to clean except the
truly dedicated. Just let me know when your plane lands in Frankfurt, ok?

GREATLY looking forward to your arrival,>>

LOL!!! Brenda, that almost sounds too good to be true!! A brand new house to
clean and get in order. Let alone new people to cook for!!! I'd just be too
afraid of what I'd find when I got back. Unfortuntely the rest of my family
doesn't share in my enthusiasm to keep a neat house!

Mary B

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[email protected]

In a message dated 1/9/2003 1:25:48 PM Central Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

> Not everyone needs
> one but I do.

Honey....amen to that.....

With a family of 7 kids (another little wonder due in August).......A
dishwaher is a life saver!


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[email protected]

In a message dated 1/9/2003 1:25:48 PM Central Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

> <<Why should I make them take on MY priority?>>

Cause u may burn out and go nuts........

Years back.. I had to be on bed rest with one of my kids......
My 9 year old at the time (he's 18 now) had to learn to cook since hubby
traveled alot. I kept things simple for him.
Then my oldest daughter started fixing simple meals.

Things have still remained that way....... They will kick me out of the
kitchen. The 4 older ones do most of the cooking. I fix hubby his grits cause
no one in the house can fix them like I do adn occassionally breakfast for
the 1, 3 and 6 yr olds if my 14 & 17 yr old are not up yet.

Wait...let me clear something up first...

My kiddies....
18 (ds, who will be 19 march 5th) He does his own laundry and hubby & mine
too when it is full. He fixes most of his own meals since he is a night owl
and doing his thing...
17 yr old (dd).......who does the main laundry detail and well as her own and
cooks dinner everynight with the 11(dd) & 14(dd) yr olds assistance. Of
course the 11 & 14 yrs better have their lanudry downstairs own schedule are
it will not be washed including the 3(dd) & 6 (dd)yr olds. The 1yr(dd) olds
stuff is usually in my laundry, but it can make and apperance in all of
They are responsible for keeping their rooms clean and well as their chores
which are on a 2 week rotation which includes , dishes, mopping, vaccuming,
basement, sweeping, etc....
They get money for extra jobs......Like if my hubby is too busy to do the
ironing for me and him (he loves to iron...go figure) he will pay our 11 yr
old per basket or load.
My son gets paid for being our handy man (minor plumbing or electric work,
etc).......he got paid for putting up the lights for kwanzaa, tilling my big
garden and planting the veggies and mowing it. In fact any planting and yard
work that has to be done, he is in charge of it and we pay him.

As for me........currently nursing a 18 month old which I am weaning
alittle...just down to 2-3 nursings aday because I am work, inventory, shopping and errands when hubby is
out of town,unschooling stuff and getting their worksheets or what have
you,running a homeschool support group, and doing ALL of the sewing in the
house. Which means I hardly ever buy clothes. and never buy diapers ( all
baby items are made, including nursing pads and nursing clothing). All our
clothes and coats I make unless I can get some things on clearance and it is
no higher than $3.
My 11 year old is learning how to soon she will probably be doing
her own stuff.
I'll put it this way....I make everything except socks and shoes. I make my
own curtains and other home dec stuff.
There is no way that I can do all the things that I do and do all the other
stuff too and I will not try.
Occasionally I will treat myself to a venti vanilla latte at starbucks (it's
decaf now since I'm preggie).

Just in case you all got confused with the kid count...

18 (young man)
17 , 14, 11, 6, 3 (will be 4 next month) and 18 month old are all girls....
Newbie do in August and we will not know until birth since we are
doing/planning another unassisted birth.


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