
> **a teenager
>who is *too* proper and does not rebel at all (is subservient to his or
>her parents), also has a behavioral problem from a homeopathic
>viewpoint. Why? Because - to say it lightly- s/he is not looking for
>his/her own identity as an individual and cannot embrace life completely
>without it.**
>Yol, would you, or others, want to expound on this more, fits lots of people I know, don't necessarily feel very close to them, but it seems very main stream, I don't know maybe its just conservatism/comformism??
From my point of view, mainstream = suppression. Mainstream medicine =
suppression of physical symptoms; mainstream psychiatry = suppression of
mental symptoms; mainstream schooling = suppression of interests and
choices; mainstream parenting = suppression of natural expressions and
rights; and so on.

From a homepathic poit of view, when the natural expressions of things
are denied and suppressed, the disease process starts. If it gets
suppressed more and more, then it becomes more degenerative and
self-destructive for generations to come. Look at mainstream society:
does it look healthy to you? This is why homeopathy looks at what the
person is expressing (verbally, mentally, physically, etc.) and goes
from there. The aim is not to suppress more, but to remove suppression
from generations past.

From this point of view, if a teenager is too proper and subservient
--notice I say *too*-- it means that somewhere along the way s/he got
stuck in a certain behavioral pattern. It's the same thing if someone is
always angry, continuously fearsome, *too* rigid in his or her ideas,
promiscuous, cruel, etc. Even though it may seem just "the way to be"
within a certain societal context or community, it is not a natural
expression. We cannot be happy without being flexible and respecting our
inner feelings and needs, and being at peace with others. And even
though we may not be aware of those things, our bodies let us know that
there is something wrong, that somewhere in there there is suffering
and pain. A lot of the times that suffering manifests in physical form,
but it can also become evident on a mental level.

That's why IMO it's SO important to let our children be who they are and
express themselves freely (and as a homeopath I would include here the
expression of fevers, rashes, fears, cravings, etc.); to raise them
knowing that they have the right to be heard and understood. But we'd
still have to deal with the suppression of generations past, and that's
why kids come to this world with all sorts of weaknesses and tendencies
that have nothing to do with parenting.

What homeopathy does is freeing the channels of expression, so to speak.
Therapy does the same, but it usually takes much longer (it's agreat
tool, though)... ;-)

>This seems to really lead me back to why we are unschooling;
>In an unschooling life, my children won't ever have to feel pressure to be a 'certain' way, they can develop their true selves and feel good about it. They will see the value in their individuality and learn to nurture it and make the most of it. If they are different than me, I will embrace it. They will be able to make their own choices and really know who they are. And last but not least, I will also be able to learn who I am. What an amazing journey!
Yep, free spirits... Homeopathy promotes that as well, on the physical,
mental and emotional levels. It *facilitates* the process of inner
healing, and moves aside.



Blue Lotus Therapeutics -
Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Yoga & Therapeutic Massage

Dhyanyoga Center of NC -
Meditation - Kundalini Maha Yoga

When nothing is done, nothing is left undone. The world is ruled by
letting things take their course. It cannot be ruled by interfering.
-- Tao Te Ching


<<My son wanted to get in trouble at school, told me all the violent
things he was going to do to people, how cool it would be, etc. He has
been labeled bi-polar and has dyslexia. The violent, emotional
disturbances and the way everyone who was looking in on the situation
nearly drove many of us in the family to want to kill ourselves. It was
awful. At first when he was diagnosed with bi polar I thought "great" I
finally know what the "label" is. Then the heavy drugs took him over and
he was what he had feared the most a walking zombie. Then time went by.
We stopped giving him drugs and gave him a nutritional supplement for
people with bi polar. I took him out of public school and began
unschooling. His anger/depression decreased greatly. I have been
thinking again lately about a society that for the most part doesnt want
to hear about the things that anger children/teens. >>

That's why the medical and educational institutions just want to suppress symptoms and hide the *difficulties*. The truth is that do not know how to deal with them.

<<It is too easy in
my opinion, to label teens bipolar, pigeon hole them, and "put them
away." It's a "fix." Another teen we know has just been labeled bipolar
by this same doctor and is taking lithium. >>

I totally agree. This society wants quick fixes for everything, from a headache to a social rebellion. The problem is, most people believe there are quick fixes for everything, and avoid looking further for other, more humane alternatives.

<< I know kids are angry. If people don't listen
it gets worse because they want to be heard, cared about, etc. Just
about every child, teen and young adult we know is on depression/anxiety
medication. >>

And there's more and more. It is very sad indeed...

<<I think it should be looked at in the
opposite way. School enables emotional disabilities in children.>>

I agree with you, but school is just a piece of the puzzle, I believe, although a pretty vital piece. The whole world is extremely unfriendly to children and young adults. And adults just keep repeating a pattern of domination-submission over and over. Perhaps if parents became more concious of their own shortcomings and disrespectful attitudes toward their children, they would start opposing the same in other places. Let's just hope...



Blue Lotus Therapeutics -
Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Yoga & Therapeutic Massage

Dhyanyoga Center of NC -
Meditation - Kundalini Maha Yoga

When nothing is done, nothing is left undone. The world is ruled by
letting things take their course. It cannot be ruled by interfering.
-- Tao Te Ching


**From my point of view, mainstream = suppression. Mainstream medicine =
suppression of physical symptoms; mainstream psychiatry = suppression of
mental symptoms; mainstream schooling = suppression of interests and
choices; mainstream parenting = suppression of natural expressions and
rights; and so on.**

This is cool! I never thought of it this way before, but I like it.
