[email protected]

I remember when I was pregnant with baby #2, I worked in a downtown drug
store. A local Drs wife came in to pick up some RXs. She was talking to me
about having a new baby. The pharmacist ( a lady) said, Mrs, Riley, you have
4 children, how did you manage, maybe you have some advice. Mrs Riley
shrugged and said, "One child takes up all your time, its not like you have
more time with fewer children" I have never forgotten that comment. And its
sooo true. Thats why parents with fewer children can not understand how
larger families manage. Because thier one ( or two) children take up all of
thier time, they cant imagine having more because they would have no time for
them. They dont understand that you just fit all of your children in the
same time, and you find more creative ways to manage your time.

Another wise comment I have never forgotten was made by my Grandma, a mother
of 7. She said a lot of folks would ask how they managed financially with
such a large family, it must be awful to have to feed that many children.
Grandma observed that in her chicken pen, the hen with one or two chicks was
"scratching just as hard" for food as the hen with a dozen chicks.

Who is glad there IS some wisdom out there

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