Have a Nice Day!

Does anyone have this book? Do you like it. I bought it with the Teen Lib HB.

Its called REal Lives: 11 Teenagers who don't go to school.


Today is even more important than tomorrow because "today" is a gift, and "tomorrow" might never come.

Today is where hope lives because today is when we can make things better than yesterday.

The only thing we can be sure of is today and life isn't worth living if it isn't lived in joy for as many moments of today as we can manage.

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Tia Leschke

> Does anyone have this book? Do you like it. I bought it with the Teen Lib
> Its called REal Lives: 11 Teenagers who don't go to school.

I liked it even more than the Teen Lib HB.

Gerard Westenberg

<Its called REal Lives: 11 Teenagers who don't go to school.>

We ( a couple of my teens and I ) have read this and have found it to be really interesting and inspiring. It was nice to hear the stories of other older homeschoolers - and some of the things they are doing were good idea starters for us...Leonie W.

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