
> It was in the low 70's. <BEG>
> >
> >
> Its warm here today too. We packed up our bikes and went over to our
> church's parking lot. The boys had fun zooming all around, Cal said
> he was going 456mph according to his "speed monitor" LOL.. He does
> have a speedometer on his bike, but hey, speed monitor works too.
> Lydie and I just sat in the van and talked. OH,yeah, I went to the
> Dollar store and racked up on lots of cheap gifts I can wrap up for
> treats before Christmas OR I can use them for stocking stuffers if
> they dont end up opening all of them. Acutally, Phillip hasnt asked
> to open any gifts today, but I did give him some new crayons
> with "flesh" color in them to finish coloring Shaggy on his poster.
> I gotta go whip up some lunch.. Hope everyone else is having a good
> day.
> Di

It was in the low 60's here (Phoenix, AZ) today and we went for a bike ride
to the park - about 3/4 mile away.
I've been taking our dog along too (our Vizsla), him trotting along beside
the bike, so he could get some much needed exercise. (yes I know that's
dangerous but I think we were both doing fine and under control).

When we got to the park, it was blissfully empty <g> but we found that they
had a fence around the playground equipment and this truck/tractor thing
started digging a deep hole. Our guess is that they're working on putting in
new playground equipment. Anyway, it was fun to watch and at least the
swings were available and the boys had fun with that for about a 1/2 hour.
Then we cycled home and were almost there when 2 dogs came out of a fenced
yard where the gate was open and starting barking at us. Oh, I HATE that! We
stopped and stood our ground and when it looked like it was safe and they
weren't going to run after us and attack us, we went on home. Irresponsible
pet owners....(mumbling and grumbling)
