Debra Bures

My youngest dd is interested in Russia and is interested in paper dolls or coloring pages with traditional costumes. does anyone know of any sources?


Debra, I am going to the neatest toy store in the world tomorrow
(Ghepetto's) that has antique paper dolls and coloring books. If you'd
like, I can ask her for a source.


From: Debra Bures <buresfam@...>
To: .com unschooling <[email protected]>
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] international paper dolls
Date: Monday, December 06, 1999 1:56 PM

My youngest dd is interested in Russia and is interested in paper dolls or
coloring pages with traditional costumes. does anyone know of any sources?

[email protected]

Hi, Debra!

Here are some paperdoll websites I have - they're great to print out on

<A HREF="">Paper Doll
Bulletin Board</A>
<A HREF="">Liana's
Paper Doll Boutique - Paper Dolls and Paper Doll Clothes</A>
<A HREF="">Marilee's
Paperdolls Page: Printable Paperdolls, Links, Books</A>
<A HREF="">Paper
Neow</A> - lots of paper stuff
<A HREF="">Paper Dolls
</A> - Hercules paperdolls

Have fun!

Linda in FL :) (who LOVES paper dolls!)

<< My youngest dd is interested in Russia and is interested in paper dolls or
coloring pages with traditional costumes. does anyone know of any sources?
Debra >>

[email protected]

I forgot to add, Dover has some wonderful books, and I think they have paper
dolls as can usually find them just about anywhere (I'm not sure
if they have a website or not, it's worth a try!)

Linda in FL :)

<< My youngest dd is interested in Russia and is interested in paper dolls or
coloring pages with traditional costumes. does anyone know of any sources?
Debra >>