Alan & Brenda Leonard

12/13/02 14:31:

> This list seems to be the place to get expert advice on this topic
> lately. Rain broke two bones in her arm today, falling off a scooter
> after one of her clogs came off her feet and got under a wheel. I wasn't
> there, although I arrived to pick her up a few minutes after it happened.

Oh, Dar,

I'm so sorry to hear this. Your poor daughter. Yuck. I have never broken
anything bigger than a finger, and I'm ultra sensitive to meds, so I'm
really useless on your questions. But I hope that things get easier soon,
and quickly, too.

Somehow I'm suspicious that you don't need to say anything about the clogs.
I'm sure she's painfully aware of them causing the whole problem, or will be
once she's less drugged out.

Peace to you both,