[email protected]

I LOVE Trader Joe's! You're right, the staff is great, but I have to say the
"old people" in ours (Dublin, Ohio) have been pretty good..well, great
sometimes, actually. We had a day recently when my three year old (new to the
experience of 'little people" carts) decided that pushing her child-size cart
as hard as she could and letting go was great fun. Of course, as I was trying
to keep it from zooming into a display with glass containers she somehow
managed to whack it into the back of the legs of an older man ahead of
us....who could have made her feel awful, but smiled and spoke to her
whenever we passed him after that.

Kalie sings her way (loudly) through whatever store we happen to be in, too,
and several days before Thanksgiving, we were at the same Trader Joe's (very
crowded, the usual pre-holiday stuff), and I had a number of older people
tell me she was a joy to watch - "just the entertainment value alone was
worth the trip'" as one very pleasant woman put it.

I always leave there feeliing relatively relaxed, even after shopping with my
3-year-old, who will absolutely not ride in a cart anymore, because she's a
"big girl" (and if she were in the cart, she couldn't toss in all those nice
surprises for me that I try to find at the checkout!).

I just wish there was a Trader Joe's closer to our house......my only


In a message dated 12/10/02 3:54:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, Peggy <
peggy@...> writes:

> While I'm on a roll here, does anyone else go to Trader Joe's? I want to
> know
> why they have the nicest staff in the world and the meanest old people who
> shop there? Taking a child into Trader Joe's is like running the gauntlet.
> Peggy

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


starsuncloud@... wrote:

> << While I'm on a roll here, does anyone else go to Trader Joe's? >>
> I sure miss that place!! I love the way they ring your purchase up without
> laser scanners and calling out the price of each item.....just like all
> stores used to do.
> I don't remember grumpy old people shopping there though....but it's been
> while. No Trader Joe's down here in FL :(
> Ren

Sorry to break the news to you Ren, but our Trader Joe's has gone to the
fancy laser scanner system about 6 months ago. It was actually pretty
funny - it took a while for the regular checkout staff to get the hang of
the scanner system - it took longer than the old way! But now they're old
pro's at it and checking out goes smoothly.

We don't really have many grumpy people at our Trader Joes that I can
recall - just your average amount, I suppose. ;-)
I LOVE Trader Joes and go shopping there once a week, and if I miss a week,
I am severely out of STUFF!
