sandy keane

Longtime unschoolers here....My boys are 14 and 10 and have never been
to school nor "done school" at home. They have somehow learned to read,
write, figure ratios, read maps, estimate milage and gas costs for our
holidays, do their own banking, cook meals, change a tire, build a
computer....and so on without so much as a day's "seat work". They are
bright, resourceful, creative young men and I have learned much about
learning from them. We have become a whole family of autodidacts.

Passion is our curriculum - whatever the passion du jour is becomes the
delivery system. Baseball has been and continues to be a large factor
in this family's learning, and we have all learned much from playing,
reading about, watching, umping baseball. (read more about this at: )

I have been on the home-ed list and the homeschool-ca (ca as in
Canada:-) lists for years and am part of the site management team for
the Canadian Homeschool Resource pages.

Anyway, here we are. This list looks like it's going to be a great
forum. I'm glad to be here.

Sandy <skeane@...>
Summer Haiku

Smell of glove leather,
grassy stains and diamond dust,
green -sk