Nicky Hardenbergh by way of Home Educat

Please share this on any lists that you're on... or with homeschoolers that
might be willing to shop Amazon through NHEN.

Support the National Home Education Network when you shop this holiday season!
Holiday shopping is already in full swing! NHEN, in partnership with, would like to make it all just a little easier for you.
Maybe you're looking for that great new cd for your father-in law. Or, how
about the Harry Potter LEGOs for a favorite niece or nephew? Or an electric
teakettle for your tea-loving sister? Or, maybe even a great new
homeschooling book for you to curl up with after the rush of the holidays?
Did you know that sells all these things, and more? Housewares,
toys, electronics, music, toiletries, and, of course, books and more books!
Many orders over $25 qualify for free shipping. Sitting at your computer,
you can purchase, then have sent, gifts for your immediate family, or for
family members across the country. You can even include a personalized gift
card and have your gift specially wrapped. What could be simpler or more
cost effective?
When you shop at, via NHEN's home page, you can get a great deal
and help support NHEN at the same time. Just go to NHEN's website
(, click on the Amazon link on our home page, and "shop till
you drop."
Or, go directly by accessing our Amazon shopping page at:
With each purchase NHEN will receive a percentage of the sale. This adds up
to a significant contribution that will support the important work NHEN
does for homeschoolers around the world!
But wait! Now that you understand what a great idea this is for NHEN
members, think of the even greater impact you could make if you forwarded
this e-mail to all your Amazon-loving friends and family so they could
support NHEN too. Just forward, or copy and paste, this message, and send
it on its way.
Remember, though, it only counts for NHEN if you shop through our Amazon
Happy shopping!
National Home Education Network
Changing the Way the World Sees Homeschooling