Julie Stauffer

I have 5 kids, 3 under 7, and I definitely get "touched out". What I try to
do, sometimes better than others, is to truly be in the moment with the kids
when I AM with them, really focused, really attending. Then about 3 hours a
week (I teach karate and help with the teen drama group) I am completely
focused on what I am doing, on just me, as a separate entity from my kids.

I found that if I do not take some time for myself that I begin to resent
the kids and that is most certainly not fair to them. I work to make sure
that the kids enjoy themselves during the times that I'm gone (a fun
babysitter that likes walks and crafts or game time with dh). So far, so
good. It also helps that my oldest (12) adores her younger siblings and
enjoys one-on-one time with them. So when I'm reading to Danny, she may be
painting toenails with Michelle.


[email protected]

We had a neighbor who was twelve years older than Holly, and so... Seven
years older than Kirby. She used to come over for $2 an hour and just be
there, play with the boys, or carry the baby around, and that helped lots.
Helped me AND her, because she had younger sisters and if she hadn't been
doing it for money at my house, she'd've been doing it for free at her own,
up the street. They were homeschooling too, but not unschoolers.
