[email protected]

Maybe someone has already brought these things here; if not, sorry for
redundancy. I have over 100 e-mails to go (and I don't guess people have
stopped writing this morning, waiting for me to catch up!)

The parent forum of this list is www.unschooling.com
At that site, there is a file of unschooling definitions.


And here is the intro material at the main yahoogroups page for his list:

Unschooling is the confidence to trust that young people will learn what they
need from living their lives in freedom and joy. An unschooling parent is a
facilitator and cheerleader who embraces life and learning with curiosity and
enthusiasm. An unschooled child is free to choose the what, when, where and
how of their learning -- from mud puddles to Shakespeare to Spongebob
Squarepants! If this sounds like it's for you or you'd like to find out more
about how video games and life in general are filled with learning, come join

As discussed on this list and at the Unschooling.com website, unschooling is
*not* defined as the free learning kids do outside of parent-directed
learning, nor is it done on a part-time basis. Everyone with an interest in
unschooling is welcome to join this discussion, but we ask that you keep in
mind the purpose of this list, which is to discuss unschooling in ways
designed to help each other become unschoolers or become better at
unschooling. We advise reading for a week or two before posting to get a
"feel" for ths. If you have questions about this list please feel free to
contact list moderator Joyce Fetteroll (fetteroll@...)

This list and the Unschooling.com site were created and are still supported
by Home Education Magazine: (http://www.home-ed-magazine.com); Helen Hegener (
HEM-Editor@...) is the list owner

[email protected]

In a message dated 11/21/02 12:26:17 PM Central Standard Time,
SandraDodd@... writes:

> I have over 100 e-mails to go (and I don't guess people have
> stopped writing this morning, waiting for me to catch up!)

Sandra -

Are you going to update us? Did you get your walking cast? It's selfish of
me to ask, but you are my window to the future in some ways...
