Julie Stauffer

Hi Sherry,

I think you are doing the most wonderful thing possible for your
children....but then I'm a little prejudiced :-)

If you have 4 kids, you have all kinds of stuff going on all the time (I
know because I have 5). For one week, simply write down whatever you see
the kids doing. Keep tabs without making it a big deal so the kids don't
stress over it. At the end of each day, "translate" what you see the kids
doing into schoolish-type subjects and see that the kids really ARE
learning. This can be a big help with husbands who "just don't get it".

Example: My 11yo spent her morning so far this way, caring for her animals
(nutrition <figuring what to feed each animal, adjusting protein for milk
goats>, psychology <operant conditioning used in training dog>, math
<figuring weight of milk minus weight of bucket>, bacteriology <working to
keep things as sterile as possible to avoid spoilage>)

next was a 4-H officers meeting (logistics <planning who would bring what to
the Christmas party>, penmanship <keeping minutes>)

next finishing up redecorating her room (physics <working out why a nail
wouldn't go into a wall>)

next bathing rabbits for a rabbit show tomorrow (health <keeping them from
getting a chill>, science <quickest way to evaporate water out of rabbit

All that with one kid, zero planning, zero "lessons" and it is only 11:55am


Natural Simplicity Momma

Julie thanks for understanding. I guess as parents we put too much stress on OURSELVES.

Unschooling Soap Diva WAHM to 4 :o)

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