Alan & Brenda Leonard

11/14/02 19:36:

> Holly had a fiddle lesson yesterday. She had practiced six of seven days,
> and marked her chart carefully,

I absolutely, postitively HATE those things.

I used to fill out a pretty chart showing I practiced every day. Every
single day. Did the pieces get any better? Well, no, not while I was
reading the Anne of Green Gables series *while* practicing....

Who cares if you fill out the chart if you don't take your brain with you to
the practice room!!

and the really sick part is, my Mom still has my charts! ugh.

[email protected]

In a message dated 11/14/02 3:26:24 PM, abtleo@... writes:

<< > Holly had a fiddle lesson yesterday. She had practiced six of seven
> and marked her chart carefully,

I absolutely, postitively HATE those things. >>

Holly loves hers. She likes lists and checklists and forms to fill out.

her checklist has seven squares after each item, and she goes down and fills
in each square. Some of them are listening. Those are the least likely to
be completed. She has four CDs and various listening assignments. She has
movement assignments and bodily exercise things and things that seem designed
either to make her comfortable with and familiar with the instrument or to
build particular little muscles and muscle memory, or both and all. And then
there's actual playing.


Tia Leschke

> I used to fill out a pretty chart showing I practiced every day. Every
> single day. Did the pieces get any better? Well, no, not while I was
> reading the Anne of Green Gables series *while* practicing....
> Who cares if you fill out the chart if you don't take your brain with you
> the practice room!!

My mother used to set the timer, but she'd leave it sitting on the piano
where I was practicing the clarinet. Funny how fast those 30 minutes used
to go. <g>