John O. Andersen

"When the representatives of the World Trade Organization meet in
Seattle for the 1999 Ministerial Conference on November 30-
December 3, there should be plenty for them to talk about. Like the
trillions of dollars a day in foreign exchange transactions that
have turned the global economy into an ungoverned casino that may
fail any day.

"Like the rising global temperatures, ozone depletion
and extreme weather phenomena that suggest a major climate change
is underway. Like the document signed by 1,500 scientists
(including half of all living Nobel prize winners) warning that
humankind is proceeding down an unprecedented and catastrophic path
by destroying the life-support systems of the planet.

"Oddly, these issues hardly ever come up at these WTO meetings."

John Andersen

Usually it's easier to be a success than to be a human.