[email protected]

In a message dated 11/7/02 9:52:59 AM Central Standard Time,
ecsamhill@... writes:

> Dora was on the cover of the last issue of Newsweek, illustrating a
> debate about whether television is good for children or not.

The article annoyed me, but my kids were thrilled to see her on the cover. I
recently read "The Other Parent", also about the harm of media on children.
While I'm not convinced about the argument and tend to let the kids decide
what to watch when, I found the book interesting. Newsweek seemed to focus
more on whether or not tv can be educational. The Other Parent spoke to the
violence, sexuality and commercialism of media. I can't remember the stats
on how much the average kid watches, but if you couple that with mind numbing
school for however many hours I day, I can see why it would be too much. :)
I'd recommend the book for another view if you have the time to read it - got
mine from the library.
