Deborah Lewis

***Some of the statistics for frequency were cited by
doctors who have/had performed the procedure for years***

Well there you go.

When my son was born my midwives had delivered over 500 babies without
any complications to the mothers or infants. That's astounding and no
doctor could say the same thing.
The reason my midwives could is because they only took clients who were
in perfect health, and if complications developed during pregnancy they
referred their moms to doctors who could deal with those complications.

Statistics for medical procedures are like that. Almost no general
practitioners loose a patient during brain surgery, but dang it, brain
surgeons do at a much higher rate. How 'bout that?

Deb L

Deborah Lewis


Well, I just voted, what can I say, and I'm now struggling to get that
stupid "my vote counted" sticker out of my hair!!!

Deb L, who knows for certain 47.2 percent of all statistics are made up
on the spot.