Alan & Brenda Leonard

10/31/02 00:37:

> Ain't that the truth! LOL! We just started giving our 5 yo an allowance
> (not tied to chores as we don't have them) and it is amazing how quickly
> he is picking up on money things.

Oh yes. Definitely.

Besides math, there's all those good money management skills! Tim got
totally into money when we came to Germany because there was so much more of
it in his life. 2 kinds, deutsche marks and dollars, and these euros that
were coming but not here yet, but we keps seeing signs about. Now he's
collecting coins. It was as natural as breathing.

Of course, being a kid, he wants things he doesn't have the money for, and
borrows from the bank of Mom sometimes. He's learned to pay off debts, and
that got us into "how do I write that", because he's recording his money for
a scout project. Writing that gets you into negative numbers, which I've
always liked, just because they were called irrational numbers. We had a
blast with them last night.

I love unschooling!
