[email protected]

In a message dated 10/30/02 5:40:09 PM Central Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

<< I guess I'd better figure it out before it comes time to talk to the
kiddies about using 'em! I really don't think I want them doing what I did,
I'd like them to be "prepared".
Myranda >>

Ok, this isn't just for Myranda, but anyone out there that has had any
questions about sex and what guys REALLY like. Most of 'em anyway.
Get the book "How to Be a Great Lover" by Lou Paget (Girlfriend to girlfriend
totally explicit techniques that will blow his mind).
If you read that, and still can't explain condoms to your kids, you have
major problems!!:)
Anyone could learn a lot from that book, it's amazing!
Graphic drawings for the unsure....
