Pam Sorooshian

>>So maybe if he attended
class for that and on Thursdays we could ask for special other sessions and
the guy would go for that, MAYBE.

They want your money. It is a competitive industry. I bet you can work
something out. Roya and lots of her friends here in California did it by
correspondence course that is approved by our Dept of Motor Vehicles - but
I don't think that it is allowed in New Mexico. Before we settled on her
doing it that way, I talked to driver ed schools. One had an interesting
way of doing it - they had class every weeknight - you had to go to a
certain number of hours of class, but they didn't care which ones. They
offered "lesson 1" on Mondays, "Lesson 2" on Tuesdays, etc. So - I asked
them, "What if they only come on Mondays, won't they only get Lesson 1 over
and over?" Answer: "Well, yes, that's true, but the law doesn't say that
they have to actually attend all the different lessons, just that this
material has to be offered and they have to attend a certain number of hours."


Pam Sorooshian
National Home Education Network
Changing the Way the World Sees Homeschooling

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